Passion, Intelligence, Humor, and Style

Moyen & Standard Poodles Located in Spartanburg, South Carolina

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We empower our puppies to thrive.

April Williams, Owner PMPoodles

How it all Began

Poodles were not my first love. I fell in love with the Rottweiler breed as a young child. It was at a dog show held in a downtown parking garage in my hometown. A stranger let me take one of her Rottie pups around the Jr ring. I found the breed that touched my heart in the show ring! At the first opportunity I had, I became a proud Rottie owner, even though my very first heart dog was a spur of the moment flea market purchase. I count my lucky stars that “Cayman” was a healthy girl and lived a long 12+ years! Guess what? My second heart dog was also a Rottie but from a health tested champion line. Her parents came from a Breeder of Merit, where lines were imported from Germany. I was devastated when I lost her at 10 months old due to an unpreventable heart condition. It was a recessive condition that was undetectable in her parents. She died in my arms just days before Christmas 2016. Little did I know, the loss of sweet “Georgia” would close one door and open another.

A New Passion

A good friend convinced me to share ownership of a Standard Poodle. I was still grieving my Georgia, but I took a chance. It led me to a new passion. I fell in love with the poodle breed. Let it be our little secret that my Rotties were terrible guard dogs, and my poodles actually excel at it! My current biggest male will not let a stranger in the door! I affectionately think of Poodles as fluffy Rottweilers in disguise. They have both a serious side and a goofy one. You’ll never meet a more intelligent, people-pleasing breed than a Poodle. And the bonus? They don’t scare off your neighbors like Rottweilers or affect your home owner’s insurance!

Empowered Puppies

My goal for my breeding program is to breed puppies who are extremely confident and prepared for the unpredictable scenarios life brings. I incorporate a combination of Badass Breeder and Puppy Culture curriculums into my program. I affectionately refer to it as “Puppy Kindergarten.” I believe that the foundation I set for each and every pup I breed is critical to their success. The Badass Breeder Curriculum & Puppy Culture were both designed by very experienced breeders. I incorporate the practices of these comprehensive programs during the first eight weeks of the lives of our puppies. Puppies are exposed to both Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) and Early Scent Introduction (ESI). We focus on empowering puppies, teaching them humans and dogs are safe, and instill important skills like “recall,” resilience, and problem-solving. And my breeding dogs are always fully health tested in order to mitigate anyone going through a similar situation to my sweet “Georgia”. I am striving to also become a Breeder or Merit through AKC’s program.

Find your Heart Dog

To continue challenging my breeding dogs, I strive to help them earn AKC & UKC titles. While I am working towards entering the show ring with Poodles, it helps that I have 16 years experience professionally grooming with my own home based grooming salon. I also work the adult dogs in Scentwork, Barnhunt, Fast CAT, Canine Good Citizen, Dock Diving, and Trick Dog as well as anything else I think they will enjoy. I am an active members of the local AKC Obedience club and continually have our dogs involved in something. I completed my personal goal to get a Poodle into a Show Ring by the end of 2021. Loki and I earned his IABCA International Champion title! Maybe one day I can inspire a show attendee to fall in love with a poodle just as I did. What a gift that would be to give back the way I was gifted the love of dogs.

I hope wherever your heart is, that you find your “Cayman”. And I hope that you find that puppy with us here at Palmetto Moon.

Our dogs are Family

And we raise our puppies expecting them to be an active & included part of yours.